September is self-improvement month! Pencil yourself into your schedule, because this month is all about you! Finally find time for that facial, practice mindfulness, pick up a new hobby, and make time for friends and family. You do you girl because you deserve it! In case you need a little inspiration, here are 7 sensational ways to celebrate self-improvement month this September!

1. Treat Yourself To A Facial

Indulge in a luxurious facial at Bel Viso Skin Studio; you deserve it! Facials are not only a great way to relax, but they also offer many health benefits including:

Increase Circulation

Facials help to restore oxygen, reduce inflammation, circulate nutrients to the skin, and rid ourselves of toxins. Try a series of Hydraderm Vital Energy Treatments with Guinot’s new patent thermoelectrode technology for added oxygen boost and a non-invasive facelift! Now offered at Bel Viso Skin Studio!

Prevent Aging

Anti-aging is an important benefit because let’s face it (pun intended), we are not getting any younger. Routine facials and special treatments boost cell regeneration, promote collagen development, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and provide radiance. Start your anti-aging regime today and schedule an Age Summum treatment at Bel Viso Skin Studio!

Relax And Alleviate Stress

Having a facial provides therapeutic benefits. Guests often report feeling relaxed and well-rested and gain a better night’s sleep after having a treatment. Allowing yourself time to be pampered will feel invigorating and set your week up for ample energy and success. Focus on breathing and calming your mind during your facials to achieve maximum relaxation. Book an appointment at Bel Viso Skin Studio for a European facial, one of our most luxurious and pampering services!

2. Practice Mindfulness

Have you ever heard the expression “stop and smell the flowers?” Engaging in mindfulness is the ability to be present in the moment. Practicing mindfulness reduces anxiety, lowers blood pressure, prevents heart disease, alleviates gastrointestinal problems, aids in a better night’s sleep, and fosters positivity. Being mindful can be practiced throughout the day through various activities including:

Meal Times

When eating, try to calm your racing thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Pay attention to the way your food feels and tastes. Close your eyes and savor each bite. Count the number of times you chew. After swallowing, take a breath and try to relax. Make sure you are sitting down when you eat.

Taking A Walk

Clear your mind, take in the smell of the air, and feel the warmth of the sun engulfing your face. Pay attention to the world around you and stop and smell the flowers. Name your thoughts and feelings while focusing on freeing yourself from your past. Take deep breaths throughout your stroll.

Complete A Puzzle

Sharpen your mind while having fun! Finishing a puzzle can feel rewarding, and the journey can be relaxing. Putting the pieces of a puzzle together improves short-term memory, aids in problem-solving, sparks imagination, and offers a rewarding experience upon completion.

3. Participate In A Read-A-Thon

September 6th is National Read a Book Day. Reading is a fantastic way to alleviate stress, exercise your brain, and provide enrichment for your soul. Here are three great books to aid in your wellness journey:

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook For Living

The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama is still considered a cornerstone in the field of psychology and positivity. Dr. Howard Cutler and the Dalai Lama discuss defeating negative emotions, overcoming life’s obstacles, navigating love and loss, pursuing wealth, and ultimately finding your inner peace. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living is available for purchase on Amazon. 

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz continues to be a New York Times bestseller for over a decade and is available in over forty-six languages. Based upon Toltec wisdom, this book provides a code of conduct that powerfully transforms lives and leads to happiness. Learn to ask questions instead of making assumptions and find the meaning of true love. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom can be purchased on Amazon.

Way Of The Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives

Embark on Dan Millman’s journey in his international bestselling novel Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives. One night Dan finds himself at a gas station in the company of a wise old man named Socrates. Dive into a story full of mystery, romance, and spiritual journey. Dan Millman spoke at the University of Arizona during the Tucson Book Festival, and his guiding passion is one for the books that everyone should read! Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives, can be found on Amazon.

4. Set SMART Goals

How many ambitious goals or New Year resolutions have you set out to achieve but found yourself overwhelmed along the way? Defining SMART goals ensures that you will meet your result within an attainable time frame.

S Stands For Specific

Ask yourself what you need to accomplish and what steps are needed to achieve it. Make sure you are as specific as possible.

M Stands For Measurable

Measuring your progress helps you to stay on track and reach the finish line. Incorporate measurable milestones leading up to your end goal.

A Stands For Achievable

Ask yourself if your end goal is achievable. When a goal is unrealistic, your efforts will feel futile. Identify potential roadblocks ahead of time and strategize how you will overcome them.

R Stands For Relevant

Why do you want to achieve this goal? Is this goal relevant to your overall big picture? Make sure you are obtaining a goal that is worth achieving.

T Stands For Time

Set realistic time frames for each milestone and your overall end goal. Without deadlines, we tend to extend the amount of time reaching our goal should take.

5. Energize Your Body Through Movement

Taking a walk, YouTubing a fun dance workout, hopping on the treadmill, or hitting the gym prevents heart disease, sheds weight, fosters more energy, and provides a feeling of accomplishment. Join a Zumba or Jazzercise class if you like to dance, or try out an Aeroski if you enjoy low-impact cardio. Find an exercise and atmosphere that you love!

6. Start Your Dream Hobby

Maybe you have always dreamed of finding the time to paint, draw, or garden. Decide that you are going to make the time to take up your new hobby. Schedule time in your daily routine or once a week where you can geek out on your favorite hobby or passion! You just might be the next Picasso!

7. Have Fun With Friends And Family

Spend time laughing with those who bring you joy. Finally, grab coffee with your long-time friend whom you always promise to get together with. Plan a family picnic or a dinner date with your hubby. Invite your sister on a shopping spree or take your little one to lunch. Experience and embrace the moments in which you are happy, connected, and carefree!

There are so many ways to celebrate Self-Improvement Month this September, and these are just a few suggestions. However, if you have to choose only one, we recommend trying a facial treatment at Bel Viso Skin Studio! We offer a wide selection of services to fit your skin care needs! Book your appointment today using Schedulicity (link) or reach out to Tina at (630) 209-3893! Have a happy and healthy Self-Improvement Month! We look forward to seeing you soon!